Or of course, some just pick a driver that the person that introduced them to NASCAR, likes. I did that very same thing when my late grandmother told me her favorite driver was Bill Elliott, and he's been my favorite driver ever since. 1 driver by seeing who has been the most dominant as of late. Some people choose their favorite driver(s) by their favorite paint scheme. There were so many different schemes that were just downright spectacular and of course, there were others that left you thinking, "What is that?" One of the things that made NASCAR so appealing to me when I was younger was the different paint schemes. But anyway, that's another debate for a different day.

NASCAR has always been interesting and it is much more than cars just taking left turns. First off, I've been a NASCAR fan for practically my entire life-I started watching, "cars go around in circles" before I tuned in to football, basketball baseball and everything else.